Welcome to The Rustic Log Store Company … a company of one!
When you deal with RLSC you deal with one person from your first enquiry to the finished item, giving you one to one personal service and flexibility envied by larger companies.
My Story
I first got my inspiration from the medieval Cruck* barns that are local to the Yorkshire and Derbyshire area, when a friend asked me to build a log store that was both attractive and practical the idea was born.
Following a few false starts getting the wood to bend to shape I hit on the method I use now which is laminating strips of wet timber clamped into a former until secured into shape.
After my friend’s prototype was completed I was very busy with requests from people who had seen his log store and wanted one for themselves. Along with this came personal specifications, could I build one with a door? Or a shelf? Larger? Smaller? Or even a seat? The answer is YES!
Because each log store is individually crafted changes can be made to the specification quite easily unlike off the shelf items from large DIY outlets.